In case you live under the impression that every choice you ever made was well-documented and based on your logic and rationality 100%, you might want to give this idea a second thought. Studies have shown over and over that whatever we buy, whichever marketing path we might choose is based on our own personal, subjective feelings. Sorry to disappoint you… however, good news is that we are going to tackle this topic in today’s article and see why this is the case.
1. Why do we prefer established brands?
It’s a known fact that people prefer and go for popular brands that everyone heard of. Be it that we talk about an IT company of clothing brand. You won’t hear people willingly choose a startup that they never heard of, that has never been recommended to them. Why is this the case? Because we feel comfortable with choices that others make for us. Because let’s admit, that is the reality, we go for popular, established brands that are known on the market because it’s a safe bet (or at least that’s what we think).
We consider that a well-known brand has already gone through all the possible tests and if it still survived the test of time and clients, there must be something admirably grand behind it so let’s choose that!
2. The core feelings broken down
What I mean by core feelings is happiness, sadness, surprise and disgust. And each of these feelings means something else and awakens a different type of reaction from your users. For instance:
Happiness means more shares. It has been proven that happy articles and topics are more likely to be shared than sad ones. This means that you could start focusing on the positive news and sides of your company, offer your users a positive vision and they will appreciate it.
Sad news gather all the clicks. Surprisingly, news that contain sad superlatives, such as “the worst” are clicked far more often than news that contain positive superlatives. So basically, offer users happy news if you want shares but let all the sad side out if you want clicks.
3. Humor brings people together
When it comes to catchy topics, people don’t only like to share them with their friends but also to connect with the writer and fellow readers through the content. A humorous content can put a smile on your user’s face and hence feel more relaxed and engaged in the interaction with you and your story.
4. Catch the eye
It’s essential to be able to raise people’s curiosity with a catchy topic or a sensational title that makes them want to know and read more. However, pay attention not to fall into the other trap either and become “spammy” instead of intriguing.
5. Talk to the eyes
Studies show that people relate far better to cute images, fluffy images, images that help them disconnect their brain from the day-to-day worries. I am not saying to write a heavy technical article and insert a unicorn but, wait, why not? Both humor and a cute image. However, try to stick to your own topic just brighten and lighten up the air with an image or two.
All in all, what we need to take away from these learnings is that although we don’t all automatically react the same way to the same stories, ideas, images, there are certain tips and tricks that can help you raise your conversion, based solely on human emotions.
Learning more about these emotions and how they function can help you create more valuable content and sell more than you ever imagined.
So why not give it a go?