One of the most essential activities of any business is the communication with the audience, besides the buy-sale phases. Because if you don’t want to fight with competitors merely through the perspective of the price, you are going to invest in the communication with your audience. And in today’s article you are going to find out why.
Any entrepreneur that has had the company for more than five minutes knows that it’s a lot cheaper to build up loyalty with an already existing client than to attract a new one. And if you have had your business for less than five minutes, you will learn this lesson the moment you make your second sale (not your first one). We’ve already talked in our previous articles about how important the communication with the audience is. We’ve tackled topics such as the importance of creating quality content within the site and the growth of the traffic from the site and many others. We actually do recommend you to read more of the materials we have on our blog in order to have a clearer image on everything related to communication with the audience.
How can I connect more efficiently with my target audience?
First of all, you have to identify it. Do you know who your clients are? When was the last time you took a look at your clients’ profile? To be able to talk on your clients’ language is an essential factor for any sort of business, regardless of the area of activity.
How can I notice the profile of my target audience?
This can be made by monitoring the traffic from your site and through observing a couple of essential parameters of the users, such as age, gender, place of residence and so on. For such an operation you will need Google Analytics or API. Or, even easier, you can turn to professionals who can make an analysis for you and will determine afterwards what has to be done.
Now that we’ve established what our typical client looks like we can build a more efficient way of communicating and an action plan. Here are a couple of essential aspects to be observed when it comes to connecting with your audience:
- Language is extremely relevant. The way you build your content and commercials matters very much. If you own a timber factory you are not going to use a superior academic language, just the way you are not going to use usual language in order to promote your Doctor’s thesis that deals with “Macro regional trends for the IT & Outsourcing industry”. Although usually normal, natural language is recommended, you have to adapt it according to your readers and clients.
- Planning of the marketing campaign. If you address coopers, who’re around 40 of age and live in the countryside and you do this by launching a Facebook commercial on Wednesday morning at 9, you will most likely encounter huge failure.
It’s usually said that these promotion campaigns on Facebook and various other platforms are just a waste of money. Yes, they might be a waste of money the moment you don’t know what you’re doing and who is your target audience that you address.
But so far we’ve been talking about the technical side, which is just one of the two sides of communication with the public. The other side is the human one, where what matters is what you transmit rather than how you do it.
Communication with the public refers to your connection with your clients and readers. It doesn’t necessarily have to be about promotions or new products but it has to be about something that brings value to the people. Here are a few tips and tricks when it comes to communicating with your clients:
- Q&A – those posts or commercials where we answer to the most frequent questions regarding one of our products or services.
- Did you know… – this approach will stir the curiosity of your readers so that they will hit the click button in order to see what it’s all about.
- Engagement – this approach doesn’t have the purpose of selling something but rather of creating an interaction with your audience.
- Selling – the easiest and at the same time the hardest one to use correctly. But about this we’re going to talk in a different article.
These approaches have to be used through rotation, with a regularity that is imposed by the marketing campaign we established. Only this way, by combining the human side with the technical one you can have a high quality communication with your audience.